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Novel coronavirus – still only low risk in Denmark

Since the novel coronavirus was detected in Wuhan in China, more cases have been reported from other countries, primarily other Asian countries. In Europe, 3 cases have been reported from France and recently a case was reported from Germany. The assessment of The Danish Health Authority is still that the risk of the disease spreading to Denmark is small. The situation is monitored closely and the system is ready if a case should be found in Denmark.

28 JAN 2020

It is expected that the number of infected people in China is rising and that new cases are reported from other countries. However, the numbers are relatively small and cases reported from other countries than China have primarily been imported cases. The new case reported from Germany does not change our risk assessment that the risk of the disease spreading to Denmark is low.

The Danish National Health Authority are responsible for the national preparedness system and monitors the situation closely in context of both the WHO and EU. We have ensured that the health care system is informed about the disease and how it should be handled in case travelers with symptoms of the disease arrive in Denmark.

“We have a well-functioning preparedness system in Denmark for handling situations like these and from The Danish Health Authority we have updated healthcare personnel with information on how to handle patients suspected of this specific disease”, says Head of Department Marlene Øhrberg Krag.

If a person arrives in Denmark and fulfills the specific criteria for suspected infection with the novel coronavirus, the person will be tested and treated by specialists at either Skejby or Hvidovre Hospital, that are both approved by The Danish Health Authority for handling infected individuals. In Denmark Statens Serum Institut performs the tests for the novel coronavirus.

The Danish Health Authority does not recommend entry screening for people entering Denmark.

“This is due to the fact that there is no evidence that this can prevent spread of the disease. Also, returning travelers will not automatically be put under quarantine unless this is deemed necessary after a concrete, individual assessment”, explains Marlene Øhrberg Krag.

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continuously be updating their recommendations for traveling to foreign countries and have recently raised the alertness level for travels to China as a result of the restrictions the Chinese authorities have initiated.

On the website of The Danish Health Authorities we have collected a number of common questions and answers about the novel coronavirus, that emerged in December in the city of Wuhan in China. On the website you can find answers to general questions that may occur regarding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. For example, advise is given on what precautions one should take when traveling to countries where cases of the virus has been reported. The information is continuously updated and has also been translated into English.

Travelers to China should keep themselves updated on the travel recommendations from The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs that will be updated continuously.

See the travel recommendations from The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs here:

”Det skyldes, at der ikke er dokumentation for, at det kan hindre smittespredning. Hjemrejsende vil heller ikke automatisk blive sat i karantæne, medmindre det ud fra en konkret, individuel vurdering bliver fundet nødvendigt., forklarer Marlene Øhrberg Krag

Udenrigsministeriet opdaterer løbende sine rejsevejledninger og har for nyligt skærpet sin rejsevejledning for Kina primært som følge af de restriktioner Kina har indført.

På Sundhedsstyrelsens hjemmeside har vi samlet spørgsmål og svar på en række spørgsmål om den nye coronavirus, som brød ud i december i storbyen Wuhan i Kina. Her kan man finde svar på de generelle spørgsmål, der kan opstå i forbindelse med udbruddet af coronavirus. De handler for eksempel om, hvad rådene er, hvis man skal ud at rejse til de lande, der er berørt af udbruddet.  Informationerne bliver løbende opdateret og er også blevet oversat til engelsk.  

Rejsende til Kina bør orientere sig i Udenrigsministeriets rejsevejledning som løbende bliver opdateret.

See the travel recommendations of The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs here

See questions and answers about the novel coronavirus here